4 Best Places To Place Your Promotional Stylus Pens To Reach Customers


Just a personalised corporate gift will not get your brand all those impressions and become the talk of the town you need a good occasion or a good place where you can grab people attention and make them take your item. We know the situation out there is bad and you need a gift that is cost-effective and also works great even for a small business or start up and we have a great product and places where you can display them to reach more people and those places don’t need to be a trade show or a corporate event so let us see…

Stylus pens are one the best pens to reach your customers in the best cost-effective way and these pens don’t exactly need an extravagant event or a party to give them away. Pens have regular use and many of us have the tendency to miss place them and always will be looking for pens and with the social distancing and avoiding human contact borrowing pens are a bad idea and our businesses can use this opportunity.

·        Place a pen stand with sanitizer beside it and ask your clients or customer to take one after sanitizing there hands and they will be happy to take as everyone is sanitising their hands before taking one and you can place them near your billing counter where the need for the pens is more and many of need one they will also keep these pens as they may need one and they cant borrow one.

·        Place your personalised stylus pens at your reception or front office where the flow of people is more and as they may need for paper work or signature they will surely come forward and take one and even you can use these pens for your staff you need a pen and this helps them to reduce any physical contact with other people around them also use these pens as they are not used before and safe for them to take and use them.

·        Another best way to use these pens to reach more customers like you may have reached during an event or an expo is collaborate with other businesses and place your personalised stylus pens dispensers for people who need a pen can take one and many brands have tried this and got a good response and now it is your turn to get your brand noticed by a large number of people. Go with the places where the need for pens is high like a bank or a travel agency where people need a pen this way you are helping out them and also getting your brand to have a new impression from that person.

·        Another best place to advertise your brand with these promotional stylus pens go with the stationary stores and kids store where you reach all those younger customers and this idea works more for the brand that targets younger and students as they will surely love to take a nice pen for free along with their shopping. And these pens always works as a visiting cards as they have all the information about your brand with your contact information on them as useful for your customer when they want to reach you.

All these ideas work great and become a topic to talk about only when you have the best stylus pens not only in quality but also in looks so make sure to have good print and colour pens that make people come and take one voluntarily than you ask them or reach out them this way you can maintain the social distance and at the same time have your promotion.


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